Kids’ Bible Dictionary

Book Cover: Kids' Bible Dictionary

Tựa đề: Kids' Bible Dictionary

Tác giả:  Jean Fischer

Năm: 2009

Nhà xuất bản: Barbour Publishing, Inc.

Ngôn ngữ: English

ISBN 13: 9781607423577


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Đây là lời giới thiệu sách của Amazon

Hey, kids - here's a dictionary you'll actually want to read! The Kids' Bible Dictionary features 1,000 of the most important words and names from the Bible - from Aaron, Abba, and Abomination to Zacchaeus, Zeal, and Zion. Each definition is written in understandable - even fun - language to help you know your Bible better. Plenty of pictures and a cool, colorful design make Kids' Bible Dictionary the book for personal reading, school reports, or even stumping your friends with Bible questions.


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